W.I.N. women in need

W.I.N. is a special scholarship dedicated to supporting women with substance abuse and/or other destructive behaviors finding treatment who, otherwise, cannot afford to do so. Our belief is that females deserve the empowerment necessary to break the generation to generation cycles familiar to addiction.



We also believe it is necessary to intervene with care and consideration against physical, psychological, social, vocational & spiritual crisis exhibited by the addicted female.


W.I.N. is designed to assist females in achieving independence and empowering them so they no longer fall victim to these addictions.




We asses the proper professional care facility to provide diligent, caring treatment for those women in need. Decisions concerning the prospective applicants are determined by the N.O.W. Matters More Foundation board of directors using diagnostics tools & interviews to assure proper placement & continuity of care throughout the recovery process.

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